Thursday 8 October 2015

Research - Reverse and Backwards Moving Image.

For this particular idea, i personally think this would work better as a moving image piece, because its all about movement and action, which i cant actually envision as a still image. Going off that basis, I have researched into music videos, and short video pieces made by amateur videographers on youtube, who focus on reverse and backward shots.
  • Messe Kopp - Forward
  • Alt-J - Breezeblocks  
  • Ludovic Zuili - Tokyo Reverse
  • Viva Brother - Still Here 
This is the video for Messe Kopp - Forward. Its a beautifully constructed piece, with lots of different things going on to keep you captivated all the way through. I really like how everything is backwards,  even the things the main character is doing but he is moving forwards, creating a real illusion and trickery to the viewer, making you imagine what it looks like normally. This is the main inspiration for our idea, making something where we have a main character, walking backwards where everyone else is moving forward, but the character will be doing stuff in the shot that will create an impact once the video is reversed in the edit. This is something the other group will definitely have to do in the edit, but the other effects that they add in, is what im most excited to see. 

In this video, the entire music video is done backwards, but what i find so inspirational about it is that the actions from the characters relate to the lyrics, in a very twisted way. The video is about how a woman has broken into an apartment, and tied up the wife in a cupboard, and when the husband comes home he finds his wife tied up, and this woman goes to attack him with a knife. He wrestles with her to stop her from hurting his wife or himself, until he eventually picks up a breezeblock, fils up the bath, puts this woman in it and drowns her, ensuring she is kept down by putting the breezeblock on top of her. This is all done in reverse order. so you see it done back to front where he drowns the woman, and how he got to that point of killing her. At first its very clever, because as hes drowning her. there is a lot of zooming in on his wedding ring and showing that she wasnt wearing one. which led me to believe that he was having an affair, and wanted to get rid of her so she wouldnt tell his wife. but as it rewinds more, you realise that she broke into their home and she is not the other woman. What i love about this video is that its really smooth and done very well, something i feel the other group editing our piece need to think about, maybe slowing some bits down. 

Above is the link for the Tokyo Reverse video, made by Ludovic Zuili. With a team, he recorded himself walking backwards through japan, creating a 9 hour long programme, completely backwards. Its interesting to watch, to see how everyone and everything around him is going backwards, and how he looks completely normal, like everyone is wrong and he is right. He perfected the walk so it looks normal and not weird and jolted. giving it that little extra touch of perfection to the piece.

What is really interesting about this music video is that its all in reverse, all the actions and activities they are doing , all retracting back into itself, but the lead singer is singing in normal time. I think thats amazing because that takes a lot of effort to sing backwards and then get it in sync in post. I think within the time scale and the fact we have to give another group our edit, this would be extremely difficult to attempt, however i think its a really interesting thing to experiment with and i may try to attempt it in the future.

From all these videos, i have got some interesting ideas to combine with, if we chose this as our idea. i would really like to do one character walking in the middle of everyone, backwards in reality, then use things as props which will make a very big impact on what is happening such as water, glitter, party poppers, basically everything messy which will captivate the audiences attention. 

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